Defining Root Directories for Bitmaps

The BMROOT option in the [OPTIONS] section of the project file gives root directories for bitmaps. You were introduced to this option in Chapter 4, “Basic Multimedia Techniques.” Viewer looks for bitmaps positioned with bmc, bml, and bmr references in the directory given by the BMROOT option.

If you don't include the BMROOT option in your project file, you have two options:

List bitmaps in the [BITMAPS] section of the project file. Bitmap files may have a full or relative path. Relative paths refer to the paths given by the ROOT option, if present, or to the project directory if no ROOT option is used.

Put all bitmap files in teh project directory.

The BMROOT option has the following syntax:


Each path can give either the drive and full path to the bitmap directory or a path relative to the project directory. If you give more than one path for this option, use a comma (,) to separate the paths.

For example, the following entry specifies that the bitmap root directory is named \VIEWER\USA\DIBS and is found on drive C: