Building a Title

After you create the topic files, you build the title. This is a two-part process:

The first part requires the Viewer compiler (MVC.EXE), which uses both the topic files and the project file (a special file with a .MVP extension). The project file tells the compiler exactly how to build the title. Using the project file and topic files, the compiler creates a single .MVB file—called the book (a title can include one or more books).

The second part involves building the title's search index (a special file with a .IND extension). The search index lets the user perform full-text searches for any word or phrase within the title.

You can compile the title and create the search index at the same time or independently. This flexibility gives you more control over the sequence in which you develop titles. When you finish the build process, you have both book file(s) and an associated search index.