Specifying Title File and Subdirectory Names

Next, you must add the name of your title's main .MVB file and the subdirectory on the CD-ROM containing your title's .MVB files.

The main .MVB file is the .MVB file with the same name as the search index. The part of SETUP.USA where you add the name of the main .MVB file looks like this:

        ;;        Change this variable to be the basename of the title's MVB
        ;;        file (i.e. the name of the MVB file without the .MVB
         ;;        extension).
SetVariable (TitleMVB, "USA")                ; Name of the MVB file

In the USA Tour sample title, the index file is named USA.IND, so the main .MVB file is named USA.MVB. (USA Tour also includes an .MVB file named TRIBES.MVB.) Substitute the name of your title's .MVB file for “USA”.

The part of Setup that specifies the subdirectory for installing .MVB files looks like this:

        ;;        Change this variable to be the subdirectory of the title
        ;;        on the CD-ROM (i.e. where the MVB file is located).  This
        ;;        subdirectory will be in the Viewer directory on the CD-ROM,
        ;;        where VIEWER.EXE and SETUP.EXE are located.  Do not specify
        ;;        the complete path for this subdirectory.
SetVariable (TitleSrcDir, "USA\")        ; Source subdirectory of the title

Substitute the name of the subdirectory containing your title's .MVB files for “USA\”. Don't give a full path; only give the path relative to the subdirectory with your .MVB files.