Topic Title

Topic titles identify topics in the dialog boxes for the Index and Search buttons. Topic titles are also used to identify topics marked from the Bookmark menu.

In the Title

Topic titles don't appear directly in titles. However, they appear in several locations in Viewer, including the Index dialog box, as shown in the following illustration:

In the Topic File

Topic titles are authored using a dollar-sign ($) footnote, as shown in the following illustration:

RTF Format

${\footnote format-codes {format-codes $} title-text}



RTF codes for paragraph and character formatting.


A string of up to 50 characters. Any printable ASCII character can appear in a topic title. However, ASCII characters such as braces ({ }), brackets ([ ]), and backslashes (\) that are used as special characters in RTF must be prefixed by backslashes.


The following example places the title “Texas: Economy” in a topic using a dollar-sign footnote:

${\footnote \pard\plain \s245 \fs20 {\fs16\up6 $} Texas: Economy }