This section examines ways you can investigate problems that might arise during the build process.
MVC displays messages as it encounter errors when building a title. Appendix A, “Error Messages,” contains a complete list of MVC error messages that might appear during the build process.
A single error condition in the topic file can cause the compiler to produce many error messages. For example, an incorrectly identified topic causes an error every time jump terms refer to the correct topic identifier. Such a mistake is easily fixed by correcting the footnote that contains the wrong context string.
Whenever possible, the compiler displays the name of the file that contains the error, as well as a number to identify the specific topic that had the problem. The number refers to the topic's sequential position within the file (first topic, second topic, and so on).
In general, if you get an error (for example, if BUILDDOC runs out of disk space), correct the errors and restart BUILDDOC.