Animation Controls

You can display an animation control panel with either extended or embedded windows. As noted earlier, you give the controlcenter, controlleft, or controlright control command in the HAnimateCommand or ew command to display the control panel.

The control panel appears below the animation window as shown in the following illustration:

Users can control the animation sequence in any of the following ways:

To Do This

Thumb Drag the thumb on the slider control to reset the current position in the animation sequence.
Step Click the small left arrow (Step Back) and right arrow (Step Forward) controls next to the slider to step the animation sequence backward or forward one frame. Holding the control down has the effect of rewinding or fast-forwarding the animation sequence.
Play Click the large single right arrow (Play) control to play the animation from the current position to the end of the sequence. The slider control indicates the current position in the animation sequence.
Stop Click the square (Stop) control to stop the animation sequence.
Reset Click the double left arrow (Reset) control next to the Stop control to set the animation sequence back to the beginning.
Section Marks If you have added separate sections to the animation sequence, a tick mark appears on the slider bar for each section. The user can click the left side of the thumb in the slider area to move back a section or on the right side of the thumb to move forward. Or the user can choose the Section button and select a section name from the menu, to begin playing from that section. (See the following section, “Adding Sections to Animations,” to learn how to add sections to an animation sequence.)
Pause Click the Options button and select Pause to tell the Play control to play only up to the next pause defined in the animation sequence. (See the following section, “Adding Sections to Animations,” to learn how to add pauses to an animation sequence.)