Further Reading

For more information on digital audio, digital-signal processing, and computer music, see the following books:

Boom, Michael. Music Through MIDI. Redmond: Microsoft Press, 1987.

Chamberlin, Hal. Musical Applications of Microprocessors. Hasbrouk Heights: Hayden Book Company, Inc., 1985.

Pohlmann, Ken. Principles of Digital Audio. Indianapolis: Howard W. Sams & Co., 1985.

Roads, Curtis, and John Strawn. Foundations of Computer Music. Cambridge: The MIT Press, 1985.

Strawn, John F. Digital Audio Engineering, An Anthology. Los Altos: William Kaufmann, Inc., 1985.

Strawn, John F. Digital Audio Signal Processing, An Anthology. Los Altos: William Kaufmann, Inc., 1985.

For information on MIDI and standard MIDI files, see the following MIDI specifications:

MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specification

Standard MIDI Files 1.0

The specifications listed above are available from the International MIDI Association at the following address:

International MIDI Association
5316 West 57th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90056