Loading a Movie File

The following code fragment shows a function that loads a movie file. Several Movie Player playback options can be specified at load time. Therefore, the following function can be used to load the same movie file with different playback options:

BOOL OpenMovie(BOOL bReload)        // bReload is TRUE if loading same file
{                                   // Global szFilename holds the filename
    BOOL bLoadResult;
    WORD wOptions = 0;
    HCURSOR hSaveCursor;

    if(bNoStatic)       wOptions |= MMP_LOAD_NOSTATIC;
    if(bLoadReferenced) wOptions |= MMP_LOAD_REFERENCED;
    if(bNoBuffer)       wOptions |= MMP_LOAD_NOBUFFER;

    // If loading a new movie file, draw the first frame
    // to the stage window.

    if(!bReload)        wOptions |= MMP_DRAW_FRAME;

        // If the Movie Player is in animation mode, stop playback first.

    if(iState == MOVIE_RUNNING)
        mmpStopAnimating(idMovie, 0);

    hSaveCursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT));
    bLoadResult = mmpLoadFile(idMovie, szFilename, wOptions);

        PrintError(idMovie, "Could not load movie file.");

    return bLoadResult;

The following SetupStageWindow function changes the window caption and adjusts the window size based on information returned by the mmpGetMovieInfo function:

void SetupStageWindow(HWND hWndStage, MMPID idMovie)
    RECT rc;

    mmpInfo.chFullMacName[0] = 0;
    mmpGetMovieInfo(idMovie, &mmpInfo);

        SetWindowText(hWndStage, mmpInfo.chFullMacName);
        SetWindowText(hWndStage, szFilename);        // szFilename is global

    if(mmpInfo.dwMovieExtentX && mmpInfo.dwMovieExtentY)
        SetRect(&rc, 0, 0, (WORD)mmpInfo.dwMovieExtentX,
        AdjustWindowRect(&rc, GetWindowLong(hWndStage, GWL_STYLE), TRUE);
        SetWindowPos(hWndStage, NULL,
                     0, 0, rc.right-rc.left, rc.bottom-rc.top,