Managing the Stage Window

Each Movie Player instance is associated with a playback window called a stage window. The stage window can be any pop-up or overlapped window. You can use the following functions to manage the stage window:


Sets the stage window for a Movie Player instance and specifies the position of the playback area.


Gets the current stage information for a Movie Player instance.


Provides the Movie Player a handle to a device context.


Performs a screen update in the invalid rectangle.


Returns a handle to the movie palette.

To correctly manage the movie palette, handle wait-for-mouse tempo commands, and process MCI script-channel commands, the Movie Player subclasses the stage window and handles the following messages:


How Handled
Passed to Application?

MM_MCINOTIFY Movie Player uses this message to properly handle the mciWait commands in the movie script channel. Yes
WM_SETCURSOR WM_LBUTTONDOWN WM_RBUTTONDOWN WM_MBUTTONDOWN Movie Player uses these messages to handle wait-for-mouse tempo commands. Only if not waiting for a mouse click
WM_ACTIVATE WM_ACTIVATEAPP Movie player sets system-palette usage as needed. Yes
WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE If movie has a palette, the Movie Player selects and realizes the palette. Only if movie has no palette
WM_PALETTECHANGED If another window caused the system palette change, the Movie Player invalidates the client area of the stage window., No