Creating a DIB Driver Display Context

Your application loads the DIB driver by passing the DIB driver name and a BITMAPINFO structure containing the DIB bits to CreateDC. For example, the following statement creates a DIB display context that represents the packed-DIB described by the BITMAPINFO data structure bi:

hdc = CreateDC ("DIB", NULL, NULL, (LPSTR)&bi);

When working with this device context, you must observe the following rules:

If the last parameter of CreateDC is NULL, the display context is associated with a 0-by-0 8-bit DIB. Any attempt to draw with it will fail.

The BITMAPINFO structure must remain locked for the life of the device context.

The DIB driver supports 1-bit, 4-bit, or 8-bit DIB bitmaps. The RLE format is not supported.

The DIB driver supports only Windows 3.0 format DIB headers. The OS/2 BITMAPCOREHEADER format is not supported.

Multiple DIB driver display contexts can be active.

DIBs reside in the memory-based image buffer in the CF_DIB (packed-DIB) format.

The DIB driver expects the RGBQUAD data structure for color matching. (It dos not use palette indexes.)

The following code fragment uses the DIB driver to draw a circle in a DIB copied from the Clipboard:

if (IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_DIB) && OpenClipboard())
        HANDLE hdib;
        HDC        hdc;

        // Get the DIB from the Clipboard
        hdib = GetClipboardData (CF_DIB);
        // Create a DIB driver hdc on the DIB surface
        hdc = CreateDC ("DIB", NULL, NULL,

        // Draw a circle in the DIB
        Ellipse (hdc, 0, 0, 100, 100);

        // Delete the DIB driver HDC now that you are done with it
        DeleteDC (hdc);

        // Unlock the DIB
        GlobalUnlock (hdib);

        // Release the Clipboard
        CloseClipboard ();