Viewer Buttons

Command buttons appear below the menu bar in the Viewer window. Choosing a command button carries out the command automatically.

Button Description

Contents Displays the top-level topic (usually
Index Displays a list of keywords that you can select to view topics associated with those keywords.
Back Displays the topic viewed just before the current topic.
History Displays a window showing the topics you viewed during the current session (up to 40). You can select any topic from the list to view it again.
Search Displays a dialog box in which you enter text and search for topics containing that text. See “Full-Text Search,” later in this chapter, for more information.
>> Displays the next topic in the title as defined by the browse sequence (if any).
<< Displays the previous topic in the title as defined by the browse sequence (if any).


The Search, <<, and >> buttons are optional. For more information on adding and removing these buttons, see “Adding Search and Browse Buttons” in Chapter 3, “Creating Topics.”