Adding Sections to Animations

MacroMind Director allows you to create animation sequences containing distinct sections. When Multimedia Viewer users play animation segments with controls (placed in the Viewer title with a controlleft, controlcenter, or controlright command), they can select a section of the animation sequence to run.

To author a section in an .MMM file using MacroMind Director, enter the following command in the Label channel of the animation file:

$ section-name

In this command, type the section name in place of the section-name placeholder. To add a pause in the frame that begins a new section, enter the following tags in the Label channel:

$# section-name

Or you can enter # in one frame and $ section-name in the next to make the first frame a transition frame that is displayed before the new section plays. In fact, you can enter # to add a pause in any frame, whether or not the frame relates to a new section.

Users can also control whether or not the animation sequence pauses. If the Pause command is selected, animation sequences pause; if it is not, animation sequences play through authored pause points without stopping.


Authors who create animation sequences should not include input requests (for example, mouse clicks to restart animation sequences) in animation sequences.