Testing Your Setup Program

After you've customized the SETUP.USA template for your title, save the file under the name SETUP.INF. Before you press a CD-ROM for your title, you'll want to make sure the SETUP.INF file you created installs your title correctly.

An easy way to do this is by creating a test directory on your hard disk. This test directory will contain the exact directory structure that will appear on your CD-ROM. Copy the SETUP.EXE program from the Viewer package and the SETUP.INF file you created to this directory. You'll also need to create a bitmap file, SETUP.BMP, that displays a logo for your title during the setup process. Finally, run SETUP.EXE from this directory and make sure the title installs correctly.

As an example, assuming a directory named CDROM represents the CD-ROM for the USA Tour sample title, you would create the following directory structure to hold the different files you need to install the title:

Directory Files

C:\CDROM SETUP.EXE, SETUP.INF, VIEWER.EXE, and any other files needed to install Viewer (see section 1 of SETUP.USA for a list of these files)
C:\CDROM\USA\DIBS All .DIB, .BMP, .SHG, and .ICO files
C:\CDROM\USA\FONTS All .FON and other font files

Now run SETUP.EXE from the CDROM directory. If the Setup program completes successfully, make sure that you can view the title by double-clicking the USA icon in the Program Manager group that Setup creates.