Contents of This Guide

This guide is divided into the following sections:

Part 1, “Introduction to Authoring,” provides step-by-step instructions for creating and building Viewer titles. This part contains the following chapters:

Chapter 1, “Browsing a Multimedia Viewer Title,” explains how users view titles using Viewer.

Chapter 2, “Building a Simple Viewer Title,” explains the general process for building a simple Viewer title.

Chapter 3, “Creating Topics,” explains how to create Viewer topics and add hypertext elements. For a general discussion of the authoring process, see the Authoring Guide provided with the Microsoft Multimedia Development Kit (MDK).

Chapter 4, “Basic Multimedia Techniques,” explains techniques for adding pictures, animation sequences, and audio segments to a title.

Chapter 5, “Building the Title,” explains how to build a title (with or without a search index), fix problems that arise during the build process, and view a title.

Part 2, “Advanced Techniques,” provides in-depth information about the Viewer authoring environment. This part includes the following chapters:

Chapter 6, “Advanced Authoring Techniques,” explains how to add non-scrolling regions to topics, create jumps to other books in multi-book titles, and display topics in secondary windows.

Chapter 7, “Advanced Bitmap Techniques,” explains how to display pictures in windows activated from hot spots or in windows embedded within a topic. It also explains how to use commands to fine-tune the appearance of a picture and how to add multiple hot spots to a picture using the Hotspot Editor.

Chapter 8, “Advanced Animation Techniques,” explains how to play animation sequences in windows activated from hot spots or in windows embedded within a topic. It also describes optional animation controls, explains how to create section divisions and pauses in an animation sequence, and shows how to play separate audio files while an animation sequence is playing.

Chapter 9, “Advanced Audio Techniques,” explains how to play audio segments using audio dialogs activated from hot spots or embedded in a topic.

Chapter 10, “Configuring the Multimedia Viewer,” explains how to customize Viewer for your title, including assigning a main-window title, creating an icon for a title, running Windows applications from Viewer, executing Viewer commands, and adding buttons and menus to Viewer.

Chapter 11, “Advanced Build Options,” explains advanced building options, including options that define root directories, add a copyright notice, add topic files in the build, optimize the build, and create multi-book titles. This chapter also explains how to build different versions of a title using the same set of topic files.

Chapter 12, “Creating a Setup Program,” explains how to create a Setup program to install a Viewer title on a user's computer.

Chapter 13, “Creating Help for a Title,” explains how to create Help information for a title and how to make the Help file accessible to Viewer.

Part 3, “Programmer's Reference,” provides information for programmers who want to add capabilities to Viewer or access it from their applications.

Chapter 14, “Writing DLLs for Multimedia Viewer,” explains how to write a dynamic-link library that works with Viewer.

Chapter 15, “Application Access to Multimedia Viewer,” explains how to write applications that call Viewer to perform operations.

Part 4, “Author's Reference,” provides in-depth reference information for Viewer authors.

Chapter 16, “RTF Formats,” describes the RTF formats that put hypertext and multimedia elements into a topic file.

Chapter 17, “Project File Format,” describes the format and contents of a project file, which defines how a Viewer title is built.

Chapter 18, “Multimedia Viewer Commands,” lists the Viewer commands you can use to configure Viewer's operation.

Appendixes to this guide describe error messages for the build process and explain how to modify the full-text search utility so that it can match nonstandard characters and fonts.