Make Sure You Have the Necessary Files

One easy way to avoid build problems is by being sure that the software can access all the files necessary to compile the title and build the index. Make sure you have all the RTF files you need to build the title and all the graphic, animation, and audio files you are including in the title. In addition, make sure the following files exist in the correct directories or in a directory in your PATH:

Filename Description

TITLE.FLD The field file for the title.
TITLE.STP The stop-word file for the title.
TITLE.MVP The project file for the title.
BAG.INI A file that specifies the title name and tells the build which index file to use for the title. (This file must have a reference in the [BAGGAGE] section of the project file.)
BUILDDOC.BAT A batch file used to build the title and create the index.
FORAGE.EXE A program that extracts and decompresses text from a compiled title, and places it in a temporary file.
GETMLT.EXE Builds internal files required for creating the index file.
INDEX.EXE A program that reads the scan file and creates a full-text index for the file. It forms an index file that contains the scanned words, along with the offset and occurrence information. It doesn't index words listed in the stop-word file.
MAKEFILE NMAKE uses this file to direct the build process.
NMAKE.EXE Called by BUILDDOC, this program runs the makefile and builds the title and its search index.
MVC.EXE The compiler that actually creates the title.
MVCP.EXE OS/2 version of the compiler.
MVC.ERR Text of error messages for the compiler.
MVCP.ERR Version of MVC.ERR used with MVCP.EXE.
W_SCAN.EXE A program that scans the extracted text and pulls the words to be indexed into a scan file.