Topics Found List

After you enter a search query and choose the Search button, Viewer displays the topics matching the query in the Topics Found list. For example, if you enter the query “Cattle or Petroleum,” the Viewer displays the following list:

The Topics Found list box displays the number of topics and the names of any topics containing the search text.

You can do any of the following:

Select any topic name from the list box, then choose the Go To button (or double-click) to view that topic.

Choose the Next button or press N to view the next screen of matching text (usually the next topic in the list).

Choose the Previous button or press P to view the previous screen (usually the previous topic).

Choose CTRL+N to view the next topic in the list.

Choose CTRL+P to view the previous topic in the list.

For example, if you select “Texas: Economy” from the list on the previous page, Viewer displays that topic and selects text matching the search query,
as shown in the following illustration:

·To switch between the Topics Found window and the main Viewer window:

Click the main Viewer window or press CTRL+F.