Saving the Project File

Your project file should now identify the contents topic, the topic files used, the bitmap files referenced. It should also register all the audio, animation, and bitmap commands used. The project file for the USA Tour sample application is as follows:


natext\states_a.rtf ;Arizona
natext\states_c.rtf ;California
natext\states_h.rtf ;Hawaii
natext\states_k.rtf ;Kentucky
natext\states_m.rtf ;Massachusetts
natext\states_n.rtf ;New York, North Dakota
natext\states_t.rtf ;Texas
natext\states_v.rtf ;Virginia
natext\states_w.rtf ;Washington

RegisterRoutine("mvaudio", "HAudioCommand", "USSS") ; audio hot spot
RegisterRoutine("mvaff", "HAnimateCommand", "USSSS") ; extended animation window

RegisterRoutine("ftui", "InitRoutines", "SU")
InitRoutines(qchPath, 1)


Remember that the [OPTIONS] section must be the first section in the project file.


If you get a “Routine not found” error message when you first open your title, check for errors in the RegisterRoutine commands. Either a RegisterRoutine command is incorrect, or one of the given DLLs is not in the specified path. (Generally, the Setup program for Viewer installs all DLLs in the \VIEWER subdirectory.)