Standard VGA video adapters offer a video mode that displays bitmaps using 256 colors instead of the usual 16 colors. This mode has a resolution of 320-by-200 pixels, so images have lower resolution than they would using the usual 16-color, 640-by-480 VGA mode. However, it allows images to be displayed with greater color fidelity than they would have in 16-color mode.
To allow users to display a bitmap in MCGA mode, you must use the [mcga] bitmap command with the [16color] bitmap command, as follows:
[16color mcga]bitmapfile1 bitmapfile2
The [mcga] bitmap command displays the bitmap with a magnifying-glass button in the upper right corner. When the user chooses this button, Viewer displays the bitmap in MCGA mode.
As in the previous example using the [16color] command, bitmapfile1 is displayed with the MCGA-mode button if the computer displaying the image has a 16-color monitor. Otherwise, bitmapfile2 is displayed.