When an image is displayed using the [mcga] command, it appears as shown in the following illustration:
When the user chooses the magnifying-glass button, Viewer displays the picture in full-screen MCGA mode, as shown in the following illustration:
The picture returns to the normal display when the user clicks the left mouse button or presses any key.
Images displayed in MCGA mode cannot be scrolled. Images larger than the Viewer screen are truncated along the borders that exceed the screen boundaries.
Not all images can be displayed successfully in MCGA mode. You should verify that images displayed in MCGA mode display successfully before using the [mcga] command in Viewer.
Bitmaps that use run-length encoding (RLE) compression must be 8-bit images to be displayed successfully in MCGA mode.
The following command displays the KY_BIRD.DIB file in the embedded window that appeared earlier in this section:
{ewl MVBMP, ViewerBmp, [mcga]dibs_bird.dib}