The Edit Menu

Commands on the Edit menu let you edit hot spots and define their attributes.

Command Description

Undo Undoes the last action you performed.
Attributes Displays the attributes for each hot spot. (See “Adding Hot Spots to Bitmaps,” earlier in this chapter, for more information.)
Select Displays a dialog box listing all the defined hot-spot IDs for the bitmap. Select an item from the list to move the focus to the corresponding hot spot.
Delete Removes the selected hot spot.
Cut Removes the selected hot spot and puts it onto the Windows Clipboard.
Copy Places a copy of the selected hot spot onto the Windows Clipboard.
Paste Inserts the hot spot (if any) from the Windows Clipboard. If the Clipboard contains a graphic, it is pasted into the Hotspot Editor. If the Clipboard contains a hot spot, it is pasted in the upper-left corner of the graphic. You can then move the hot spot to a desired location.
Preferences Displays a dialog box that lets you set default values for the context string, type, attribute, and hot-spot ID options of the Attribute command.