Bitmaps (16 Colors)

Bitmaps with up to 16-colors can be inserted into a topic with a command that tells Viewer the name of the bitmap file and how to position it.

In the Topic File

Bitmap references are positioned using the bmc (bitmap character), bml (bitmap left), and bmr (bitmap right) references. The following example shows how one of these references might look in the topic file:

RTF Format

\bm[c, l, r[wd]] bitmapfile\}

Bitmap References


Position the bitmap using character alignment. The bitmap is handled as if it were another character and it appears at the position in the line indicated by the reference. Text follows the bitmap, positioned at the base of the bitmap, as shown in the following illustration:

The bitmap data is stored separately from the title text, and a single copy of the bitmap is used for all the bmc, bml, and bmr commands displaying that bitmap.


Positions the bitmap along the left margin, with text wrapping automatically along the right edge of the image, as shown in the following illustration:

The bitmap data is stored separately from the title text, and a single copy of the bitmap is used for all the bmc, bml, and bmr commands displaying that bitmap.


Positions the bitmap along the right margin, with text to its left, as shown in the following illustration:

The bitmap data is stored separately from the title text, and a single copy of the bitmap is used for all the bmc, bml, and bmr commands displaying that bitmap.

bmcwd, bmlwd, bmrwd

Same as the corresponding references without “wd,” except that the bitmap data is stored in-line with the topic text, in the same location as the reference. Bitmaps displayed by these references cannot be larger than 64K.



Name of the file containing the bitmap. This file must be in the standard Viewer directory for bitmaps. This directory is given by the BMROOT option in the [OPTIONS] section of the project file or, if the project file does not have a BMROOT option, by the ROOT option.

Usage Notes

Viewer must be able to find the bitmaps referenced in bitmap-reference commands. An easy way to identify the location of bitmap files is by specifying a path with the ROOT option in the [OPTIONS] section. A less efficient alternative is to make the bitmap directory one of the paths given in the ROOT option. The Viewer looks in the paths assigned to these options to find the bitmaps referenced by your title. If neither options is used, all bitmap files must be listed in the [BITMAPS] section of the project file. See Chapter 17, “Project File Format,” for more information on these options.


The following examples show the coding for the bmc, bml, and bmr references illustrated in the “Bitmap References” section. Codes used to format the bitmap references are omitted.

The following illustrates bmc references:

\bmc 3nick.bmp\}}{\plain \v wa_nickname}{\plain  }{\f2 Nickname} 
\bmc 3pop.bmp\}}{\plain \v wa_population}{\plain  }{\f2 Population} 
\bmc 3bird.bmp\}}{\plain \v wa_statebird}{\plain  }{\f2 State Bird} 
\bmc 3flower.bmp\}}{\plain \v wa_stateflower}{\plain  }{\f2 State Flower}
\bmc 3tree.bmp\}}{\plain \v wa_statetree}{\plain  }{\f2 State Tree}

The following illustrates a bml reference:

\bml wa_bird.bmp\}Bird of the family Fringillidae, ...

The following illustrates a bmr reference:

\bmr ma_hist.bmp\} The Pilgrims landed in 1620 ...