1.1.1 Benefits of OLE

When incorporated into applications, OLE offers the following benefits:

Users can concentrate on the task they are performing, instead of the different applications required to complete the task. If a user prefers using one application, they need never leave that application. OLE brings other applications to the user in the context that the user prefers.

Applications can specialize in performing one job. A drawing application that implements OLE, for example, would not necessarily need any text-editing capability. Users could put text into the drawing and edit that text using any text editor that supported OLE.

Files can be more compact because linking to objects allows a file to use an object without having to store that object's data. Linked objects in a file can be updated dynamically and shared among several files.

Embedded objects can be transferred easily to other users who can then edit the object without needing to know where the original data resides.