8.2 OLESVR.DLL Functions

Depending on the particular function called, OLESVR.DLL will perform the needed operations to fullfill the requirements of the server application. OLESVR.DLL passes status and object information through the OLECLI.DLL back to the client application. OLECLI.DLL uses the client application's CallBack function to pass notifications regarding the status of the objects back to the client application.

OLESVR.DLL provides the functions listed in the following table:

Function Description

OleBlockServer Causes requests to the server application to be queued until the server calls the OleUnblockServer function.
OleQueryServerVersion Retrieves the version number of the server DLL.
OleRegisterServer Registers the specified server, class name, and instance with the server DLL.
OleRenameServerDoc Informs the server DLL that a document has been renamed.
OleRevertServerDoc This function is provided in the library (OLESVR.DLL) and header file (OLE.H) for compatibility reasons.
OleRevokeServerDoc Revokes the specified document.
OleRevokeObject Revokes access to an object. A server application typically calls this function when the user deletes an object.
OleRevokeServer Called by a server application to revoke any registered documents and to revoke the server application registered with OleRegisterServer.
OleSavedServerDoc Informs the server DLL that a document has been saved.
OleUnblockServer Processes a request from a queue created by calling the OleBlockServer function.

These functions are described in the following sections.