OLECLI.DLL provides services to simplify client applications. There is bi-directional communication between client applications and the DLL. A client application calls functions in OLECLI.DLL when it needs to perform OLE tasks. Object creation, rendering, loading, and saving are some of the services that OLECLI.DLL provides to the application.

The client DLL sends status information back to the client application by calling an application-defined callback function: CallBack. The DLL passes notification codes to the CallBack function to tell it when an object is changed, renamed, saved, or closed by a server application.

To use the client DLL, a client application must:

Include OLE.H in any source files that reference OLE API functions or data structures.

Link the source file(s) with OLECLI.LIB.

In all, the client DLL exports 55 functions for use by client applications. These functions are summarized in the following sections; for more detailed information on these functions, see Chapter 9, "The OLE Client DLL."