11.2 Overview of OLE Test Cases

The following sections describe how to generate test cases to test an OLE client or server application. The tests are categorized by function; where both clients and servers need to test the same function, the tests are intermixed.

The following types of tests are available:

Object Creation Tests

Client Application Object Actions Tests

Server Application Object Actions Tests

File/Document and Object Interactions Tests

Each test has a unique identifier that indicates the type of application being tested. The identifier consists of a prefix, as shown in the following table:

Test name prefix Application Tested

Cli Client applications
Svr Server applications
Cs Applications that are both client and server
Ot Other applications (such as File Manager)

The test cases are divided into five categories, the last two of which are optional:

Test Category Description

Precondition Conditions that must exist in order to run the tests.
Procedure Step(s) that must be taken to perform the test.
Postcondition Conditions that exist when the procedure has finished.
Similar Cases Variations on the Postcondition test.
Special Cases Test cases that have been previously used to find easy-to-miss problems.