8.2.3 OleRegisterServerDoc

OLESTATUS OleRegisterServerDoc(lhsrvr, lpszDocName, lpdoc, lplhdoc)

LHSERVER lhsrvr;

LPCSTR lpszDocName;



The OleRegisterServerDoc function registers a document with the server DLL in case other client applications have links to it.

Parameter Description

lhsrvr Identifies the server. Server applications obtain this handle by calling the OleRegisterServer function.
lpszDocName Points to a null-terminated string specifying the permanent name for the document. This parameter should be a fully qualified path.
lpdoc Points to an OLESERVERDOC structure allocated and initialized by the server application.
lplhdoc Points to a handle that will identify the document. This parameter points to the handle when the function returns.

A server application uses this function when the server is started with the /Embedding filename option or when it creates or opens a document that is not requested by the DLL.

If the document was created or opened in response to a request from the server DLL, the server should not register the document by using the OleRegisterServerDoc function. Instead, the server should return a pointer to the OLESERVERDOC structure through the parameter to the relevant function.

The return value is OLE_OK, if successful; otherwise, it could be one of the following:




See AlsoOleRegisterServer, OleRevokeServerDoc