5.3.2 Object Creation and Destruction Functions

The following functions support adding/removing objects within a container document:

Function Description

OleClone Creates an exact copy of another object.
OleCopyFromLink Creates an embedded object copy of a linked object.
OleCreate Creates an embedded object of a specified class.
OleCreateFromClip Creates an embedded object from data on the clipboard.
OleCreateFromFile Creates an embedded object using the contents of a file.
OleCreateFromTemplate Creates an embedded object using a file as a template.
OleCreateInvisible Creates an embedded object without displaying server application.
OleCreateLinkFromClip Creates a linked object from data on the clipboard.
OleCreateLinkFromFile Creates a linked object with a link to a specified file.
OleDelete Permanently deletes an object from a document.
OleLoadFromStream Loads an object from a document being loaded.
OleObjectConvert Creates a static object from an existing object.
OleRelease Frees an object from memory.