11.3 Object Creation Tests

There are five types of OLE objects:






These object types can be created in client and server applications using the clipboard, the Insert Object command, and the drag and drop feature of Windows 3.1.

There are tests for the clipboard and the Insert Object command. In the case of drag and drop, objects can be created with client applications running under Microsoft Windows, version 3.1 and with server applications that can save data to a file; this application must have a standard extension defined in the registration database. Documents can be dragged into the client application to create a packaged object.

The server application can put different formats on the clipboard. These formats determine what kinds of objects can be inserted into the client application document. This method can be used to create all five types of objects.

The following table lists the client application commands that apply when creating an OLE object from the clipboard. Keep in mind that Native data without OwnerLink format is not useful. Also, the presentation data must be on the clipboard before the OLE DLLs can create an object with the desired presentation.

Command OLE Format Present On Clipboard Type of Object Created

Paste none Static
Paste Native + OwnerLink Embedded
Paste OwnerLink Link
Paste ObjectLink Static
Paste Link none Invalid
Paste Link Native + OwnerLink Link
Paste Link OwnerLink Link
Paste Link ObjectLink Link