5.3.3 Object Management Functions

The following functions support opening, closing, and drawing objects:

Function Description

OleActivate Executes an object's verb which could start the object's server application.
OleClose Breaks the connection between an object and a server application.
OleCopyToClipboard Places a copy of an object on the clipboard.
OleDraw Draws an object onto any device context.
OleEnumObjects Enumerates the objects in a document.
OleEqual Compares two objects for equality.
OleExecute Sends DDE Execute messages to an object's server application.
OleReconnect Reconnects a linked object to a server after OleClose.
OleRename Informs the client DLL that an object name changed.
OleSaveToStream Saves an object to a file or other storage.
OleUpdate Updates an object's data and display.