8.2.5 OleRenameServerDoc

OLESTATUS OleRenameServerDoc(lhDoc, lpszDocName)


LPCSTR lpszDocName;

The OleRenameServerDoc function informs the server DLL that a document has been renamed.

Parameter Description

lhDoc Identifies the document that has been renamed.
lpszDocName Points to a null-terminated string specifying the new name of the document. This parameter is typically a fully-qualified path.

The OleRenameServerDoc function has the same effect as sending the OLE_RENAMED notification to the client application's callback function. The server application calls this function when it renames a document and active links to that document need to be reconnected or when the user chooses the Save As command from the File menu while working with an embedded object.

Server applications should register open documents with the server DLL and notify the DLL when a document is renamed, closed, saved, or restored to a changed state.

The return value is OLE_OK if successful; otherwise, it could be one of the following:



See AlsoOleRegisterServerDoc, OleRevokeServerDoc, OleSavedServerDoc