5.3.4 Object Information Retrieval Functions

The following functions are used to obtain relevant information about an object:

Function Description

OleEnumFormats Enumerates available data formats for an object.
OleGetData Retrieves an object's data in a specified format.
OleGetLinkUpdateOptions Determines if a linked object is automatic or manual.
OleQueryBounds Retrieves the bounding rectangle for an object.
OleQueryCreateFromClip Determines if OleCreateFromClip will succeed.
OleQueryLinkFromClip Determines if OleCreateLinkFromClip will succeed.
OleQueryName Retrieves the name of an object stored in the client DLL.
OleQueryOpen Determines if a server is currently editing an object.
OleQueryOutOfDate Determines whether an object is out-of-date.
OleQueryProtocol Determines if an object supports a protocol.
OleQueryReleaseError Determines if an error caused an object's release.
OleQueryReleaseMethod Determines which operation released an object.
OleQueryReleaseStatus Determines if an object is released or busy.
OleQuerySize Retrieves the size of an object in bytes.
OleQueryType Determines if object is linked, embedded, or static.
OleRequestData Retrieves data from a server in a specified format.