5.4 Client Data Structures

There are four data structures defined in OLE.H that are of interest to an OLE client application. Two of the data structures contain single pointers that reference corresponding VTBL structures. Each VTBL structure contains pointers to various callback functions. The following chart identifies the single pointer structure names, the single pointer data types, and the corresponding VTBL names.

Single-pointer name Single-pointer data type Corresponding VTBL


The following table shows the contents of each data structure, as defined in OLE.H:

Data Structure Contents, as defined in OLE.H

OLECLIENT A long pointer to the OLECLIENTVTBL structure.
OLECLIENTVTBL A single far pointer to the client's notification function: CallBack.
OLESTREAM A pointer to the OLESTREAMVTBL structure.
OLESTREAMVTBL Far pointers to the storage stream functions, Get and Put.