From the user's perspective, an area in the server application is selected prior to the user choosing the Edit Copy command to transfer the selected data to the clipboard. If the object belongs to a server application document, the server application should put ObjectLink information on the clipboard.
From the developer's perspective, the server application has to create the proper picture data and OLE data formats in order to create OLE objects. If the copied object does not have a document (file) associated with it, the server application should copy Picture, Native, and OwnerLink information. The client application will create an embedded object. However, if the server application object (or item) has an associated document, the server application should also copy ObjectLink information so that a client application can create a link to the object. Copying Embedded Object Information to the Clipboard from the Server Application Test Case Svr-1
The server application supports embedding of its objects using the clipboard.
1.Select an object to copy to the clipboard.
2.Use Edit Copy to copy the object to the clipboard.
3.Open the clipboard to examine its contents.
Under the Display menu in the clipboard, Native and OwnerLink formats should appear.
ObjectLink format should not appear on the clipboard. Copying Link Information to the Clipboard from a Server Application Test Case Svr-2
The server application supports linking of its saved objects.
1.Start the server application.
2.Create a file or open an existing file containing an object.
3.Select an object in the file to copy to the clipboard.
4.Choose Edit Copy to copy the object to the clipboard.
5.Open the clipboard to examine its contents.
Under the Display menu in the clipboard, Native, OwnerLink, and ObjectLink formats should appear, but be disabled. Copying Multiple Format Types to the Clipboard from a Server Application Test Case Svr-3
The server application displays different presentation formats on the clipboard. Test if the server application updates the presentation properly when creating objects with different presentation formats.
1.Choose Copy Paste to copy presentation formats and OLE formats (as appropriate) to the clipboard.
2.Using the test tool, CLTEST.EXE, choose Paste Format to select different formats and create both embedded and linked objects.
3.Update these objects from CLTEST.EXE.
No error occurs in update.
Activate the object from CLTEST.EXE and make changes in the server application. Update the object and check that a correct update occurred in the client application. Copying an Embedded Object to the Clipboard from a Client Application Test Case Svr-4
The client application document contains an OLE object.
1.Use Edit Copy to copy an object to the clipboard. Do not copy a compound object (that is, an object that contains an object).
2.Open the clipboard and examine its contents. Native and OwnerLink formats should appear (disabled) under the clipboard's display menu if the object copied was the embedded object. If the link is copied to the clipboard, only the OwnerLink format should appear.
3.Use Edit Paste to paste the copied link into any client application.
The embedded object should appear in the client application document.
The object should behave as if it was created in the appropriate server application.