11.3.3 Clipboard Creation - Client-Server Application Tests

If the application is a capable of being both a client and a server application, the object may include other server application objects. The client-server application will have to copy the presentation data (and other data formats for the selected object) to the clipboard. If the object is then copied to another client application, the presentation data should include the server application object. When a user tries to edit the object, the client-server application should recreate it so that the original server application object can be edited by the user. Copying and Pasting an Object Containing an Embedded Object from a Client-Server Application Test Case CS-1


The client-server application contains an OLE object from another server application.


1.In the client application, select the OLE object and copy it to the clipboard using Edit Copy.

2.Use Edit Paste to paste the object into any client application.

3.Select the object for editing by double-clicking on it.

At this point the client-server application should be started and the original object should be properly embedded and available for editing.

4.Start the server application for the embedded object in the client-server application.

5.Make changes to the object in the server application, update the client application, and close the server application.

6.Close the client-server application document.


The client-server application should update the presentation in the client application with the latest changes from both the server and client-server application.

Special Case

Paste the object (see the preceding procedure) back into the client-server application; it should behave as before it was edited. Copying and Paste Linking an Object Containing a Linked Object from a Client-Server Application Test Case CS-2


The client-server application contains a link from another server application.


1.Select an area in the client-server application document that includes a linked object, and copy it to the clipboard using Edit Copy.

2.Choose Edit Paste Link to paste the object into any client application.

3.Attempt to edit the object.

The client-server application should open the appropriate document for editing the linked object.

4.From the client-server application, start the server application for a linked object.

This will establish an automatic link between the client application, the client-server application, and the server application.

5.Make changes to the object in the server application.


The client-server application should update the presentation data with the latest changes from the server application and the client-server application. These changes should appear in the client-server application, and in the client application.

Special Cases

Paste Link the object to another document (other than the document from where it was copied) in the client-server application and check the behavior.

Paste Link the object to the same document in the client-server application. Many applications will disallow this operation because it may cause an infinite loop.