3.9 Link Status Entries

The link status entries in the Links list box consist of four parts: the human-readable form of the class name, the source file for the link, the item name for the link, and the status of the link.

The human-readable form of the class name is the string that is registered in the registration database for that object class.

The source file for the link contains the full pathname for the link. If the full path is too long to be displayed, the entry should be truncated.

The item name contains the server-specific item name for the object.

The status of the link can be Automatic, Manual, or Unavailable:

-An automatic link is updated automatically when it is changed in the server or when the linked object is loaded and the server is open with that object. It is also updated when the linked object is loaded and the user responds "Yes" to the Link Update Message Dialog shown in Figure 26.

-A manual link is a link that the user must explicitly update through the Links dialog. The update takes place when the link is selected and the user presses the Update Link button in the Links dialog.

-The link receives an unavailable status when an attempt to update the link (upon loading the file or requesting OleUpdate) fails.