9.6.6 OleQueryLinkFromClip

OLESTATUS OleQueryLinkFromClip(lpszProtocol, renderopt, cfFormat)

LPCSTR lpszProtocol;

OLEOPT_RENDER renderopt;


The OleQueryLinkFromClip function checks whether a client application can use the data on the clipboard to produce a linked object that supports the specified protocol and rendering options.

Parameter Description

lpszProtocol Points to a null-terminated string specifying the name of the protocol needed by the client. Currently this value can be "StdFileEditing" (the name of the OLE protocol).
renderopt Specifies the client's preference for presentation data for the object. This parameter can be one of the following values:

  Value Meaning
  olerender_none The client DLL does not obtain any presentation data and does not draw the object.
  olerender_draw The client calls the OleDraw function, and the DLL obtains and manages presentation data.
  olerender_format The DLL obtains and manages the data in the requested format, as specified by the cfFormat parameter.

cfFormat Specifies the clipboard format. This parameter is used only when the renderopt parameter is olerender_format. If this clipboard format is CF_METAFILEPICT, CF_DIB, or CF_BITMAP, the DLL manages the data and draws the object. The DLL does not support drawing for any other formats.

The OleQueryLinkFromClip function is typically used to check whether to enable a Paste Link command.

The olerender_none rendering option is typically used to support hyperlinks. With this option, the client does not call the OleDraw function and calls the OleGetData function only for ObjectLink, OwnerLink, and Native formats.

The olerender_format rendering option allows a client to compute data (instead of painting it), use an unusual data format, or modify a standard data format. With this option the client does not call OleDraw. The client calls OleGetData to retrieve data in the specified format.

The olerender_draw rendering option is the most typical option. It is the easiest rendering option for the client to implement (the client simply calls the OleDraw function) and it allows the most flexibility. An object handler can exploit this flexibility to store no presentation data, a private presentation data format, or several different formats that it can choose among dynamically. Future implementations of object linking and embedding may also exploit the flexibility that is inherent in this option.

The return value is OLE_OK if successful; otherwise, it could be one of the following:



See AlsoOleCreateLinkFromClip, OleDraw, OleGetData