11.6.6 Quitting an Application - Server Application Test

From the user's perspective, if the server application document is opened by a client application and object (document) data has changed, the server application will prompt the user to update the changes when the File Exit command is chosen.

From the developer's perspective, the application should close and revoke all of the documents, revoke the server application, wait for the server callback to be invoked and then quit the application. Quitting a Server Application Containing Embedded Objects Test Case Svr-22


An open server application contains several embedded objects (documents) opened for editing from the client application.


1.In the server application, change the embedded documents.

2.In the server application, choose File Exit.

The server application should ask whether or not to update the embedded object for each of its changed embedded documents.

3.Respond with Yes to the update prompts.

Post Conditions

The server application should quit.

All of the client application objects should be updated.

Similar Test Cases

Repeat the preceding procedure, but select No in Step 3 for one or more of the documents. Those documents should not be updated.

Repeat the preceding procedure and select Cancel at Step 3. The conversation between the client application and the server application should not be broken. Opening the embedded object in the client application should re-activate the server application document. In most applications, selecting Cancel would bring the server application to its original state with all of the documents and conversations intact.

If the server application has other documents which were opened using File New or File Open, the server application should prompt to save the documents.

Repeat the preceding procedure, but with documents opened using the Insert New command.

Repeat the preceding procedure, but choose the Insert Template command to create a new document.

Special Cases

Some older client applications, such as Microsoft Excel 3.0x and PowerPoint 2.0x, can only be updated by the server application sending an OLE_CLOSED notification. To make sure that the server application is doing this update properly, repeat the preceding procedure using PowerPoint 2.0x or Microsoft Excel 3.0x as the client application.