When the Windows user moves the mouse, Windows moves a small bit-mapped picture on the display called the ”mouse cursor.“ The mouse cursor has a single-pixel ”hot spot“ that points to a precise location on the display.
The display driver contains several predefined mouse cursors that programs may use. The most common is the slanted arrow called IDC_ARROW in WINDOWS.H. The hot spot is the tip of the arrow. The IDC_CROSS cursor (used in the BLOWUP1 program shown in this chapter) has a hot spot in the center of a cross-hair pattern. The IDC_WAIT cursor is an hourglass generally used by programs to indicate they are busy. Programmers can also design their own cursors (as we'll do in Chapter 8). The default cursor for a particular window is specified when defining the window class structure, for instance:
wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor (NULL, IDC_ARROW) ;
The following terms describe the actions you take with mouse buttons:
Clicking—Pressing and releasing a mouse button
Double-clicking—Pressing and releasing a mouse button twice in quick succession
Dragging—Moving the mouse while holding down a button
On a three-button mouse, the buttons are called the left button, middle button, and right button. Mouse-related identifiers defined in WINDOWS.H use the abbreviations LBUTTON, MBUTTON, and RBUTTON. A two-button mouse has only a left button and a right button. The single button on a one-button mouse is a left button.