To display multiple lines of text using the TextOut function, you need to determine the dimensions of font characters. You can space successive lines of text based on the height of a character, and you can space columns of text across the client area based on the width of a character.
You can obtain character dimensions with the GetTextMetrics call. GetTextMetrics requires a handle to the device context because it returns information about the font currently selected in the device context. Windows copies the various values of text metrics into a structure of type TEXTMETRIC. The values are in units that depend on the mapping mode selected in the device context. In the default device context, this mapping mode is MM_TEXT, so the dimensions are in units of pixels.
To use the GetTextMetrics function, you first need to define a structure variable (commonly called tm):
Next, get a handle to the device context and call GetTextMetrics:
hdc = GetDC (hwnd) ;
GetTextMetrics (hdc, &tm) ;
After you examine the values in the text metric structure (and probably save a few of them for future use), you release the device context:
ReleaseDC (hwnd, hdc) ;