HELLOWIN makes calls to no less than 16 Windows functions. In the order they occur in HELLOWIN, these functions (with a brief description) are:
LoadIcon—Loads an icon for use by a program
LoadCursor—Loads a cursor for use by a program
GetStockObject—Obtains a graphics object (in this case a brush used for painting the window's background)
RegisterClass—Registers a window class for the program's window
CreateWindow—Creates a window based on a window class
ShowWindow—Displays the window on the screen
UpdateWindow—Directs the window to paint itself
GetMessage—Obtains a message from the message queue
TranslateMessage—Translates some keyboard messages
DispatchMessage—Sends a message to a window procedure
BeginPaint—Initiates the beginning of window painting
GetClientRect—Obtains the dimensions of the window's client area
DrawText—Displays a text string
EndPaint—Ends window painting
PostQuitMessage—Inserts a ”quit“ message into the message queue
DefWindowProc—Performs default processing of messages
These functions are documented in the Windows Programmer's Reference and declared in WINDOWS.H. I'll discuss each of them as we encounter them while dissecting the program.