Edit Control Notification

Edit controls send WM_COMMAND messages to the parent window procedure. The meanings of the wParam and lParam variables are the same as for button controls:

Parameter Description

wParam Child window ID
LOWORD (lParam) Child window handle
HIWORD (lParam) Notification code

The notification codes are shown below:

EN_SETFOCUS Edit control has gained the input focus
EN_KILLFOCUS Edit control has lost the input focus
EN_CHANGE Edit control's contents will change
EN_UPDATE Edit control's contents have changed
EN_ERRSPACE Edit control has run out of space
EN_MAXTEXT Edit control has run out of space on insertion
EN_HSCROLL Edit control's horizontal scroll bar has been clicked
EN_VSCROLL Edit control's vertical scroll bar has been clicked

POPPAD1 traps only EN_ERRSPACE notification codes and displays a message box.

The edit control stores text in the local heap of its parent window's program. The contents of an edit control are limited to about 32 KB. You'll note that POPPAD1 reserves only 1 KB of space for its local heap in the module definition file. As we'll see in Chapter 7, this is not a problem. Windows will expand the program's local heap if an edit control needs more space.