About This Book

C for Windows is for two types of programmers, those just learning the C language, and experienced C programmers learning to program in Windows.

If you are unfamiliar with C, you should read Part 1 of C for Windows, which discusses the C language. It assumes you have programmed in another language before and are familiar with general programming techniques. This section doesn't explain basic programming ideas such as why program loops are useful. Instead it assumes that you already know about loops in general and now want to learn how to write them in the C language.

If you are new to writing Windows applications, you should read Part 2 of C for Windows, which is devoted to creating Windows programs. This part covers menus, input/output, dialog boxes, and window display. If you have never written a Windows program, you may want to glance at Appendix B, “C in Windows Programs.” This section discusses different aspects of using C in writing Windows programs.

The following list summarizes the entire book's contents:

Part 1, “Learning and Using C,” covers basic C language topics such as functions and data types and practical programming topics such as input/output and flow control.

Part 2, “Creating Windows Programs,” covers basic Windows topics such as menus, dialog boxes, and icons. Except for the first two chapters, which introduce Windows programming techniques, this section is organized topically, so you don't have to read the chapters in any particular order.

Appendix A, “C Language Guide,” summarizes the QuickC implementation of the C language. You can use this appendix as a quick reference once you have read Part 1 and have some familiarity with C.

Appendix B, “C in Windows Programs,” discusses aspects of the C language as it's used in Windows programs.

Appendix C, “QuickWin Programs,” discusses features found in QuickWin Programs (character-based programs that run in a Windows environment) and how to enhance these types of programs.


Microsoft documentation uses the term “DOS” to refer to both the MS-DOSÒ and IBMÒ Personal Computer DOS operating systems. The name of a specific operating system is used when it is necessary to note features that are unique to that system.