Choosing a Control Style

The control styles, which depend on the control class, determine the control's appearance and function. You specify a control style when you create the control. To do so, include the control style (for example, BS_PUSHBUTTON) as the dwStyle parameter for the CreateWindow function.

Windows provides many predefined control styles. The following styles are some of the most commonly used:


Specifies a push-button control. This is a small window containing a label that the user can choose in order to notify the parent window.


Specifies a default push-button control. A default push-button control is identical to a push-button control except that it has a special border.


Specifies a check-box control. The user can select the box to turn the control on and off. When the control is on, the box contains an “X”.


Specifies a radio-button control. The user can select a circle to turn the control on and off. When the control is on, the circle contains a solid bullet.


Specifies a single-line, left-adjusted edit control.


Specifies a multiple-line edit control.


Specifies a left-adjusted, static text control.


Specifies a right-adjusted, static text control.


Specifies a standard list box. A standard list box includes a scroll bar and notifies its parent window when the user makes a selection.


Specifies a combo box consisting of an edit control and a list box that is displayed when the user selects a box next to the selection field. If an item in the list box is selected, the edit control displays the selected item.

For a complete list of control styles, see the online reference.