The Windows Quick Development Environment is an integrated environment for developing DOS and Windows applications. This chapter presents practical information on how to use the Quick Development Environment.
The section is divided into seven chapters:
Introducing the Windows Quick Development Environment. A brief introduction to the Development Environment and how it compares with other Windows applications.
Managing Your Projects. A description of “projects” and how to use them to create applications.
Using the Editor. A discussion of the Development Environment editor.
Building and Running Applications from Projects. A guide to compiling, linking, and executing DOS and Windows applications.
Debugging Applications. A guide to using the debugger with DOS and Windows applications.
Getting Information. A discussion of how to use the on-line reference system.
Customizing the Development Environment. A description of how to customize Development Environment features.
The information in this section is presented generally in a tutorial format. For detailed information about a topic, refer to Section 2, “Windows Quick Development Environment Reference,” or the on-line reference.