Setting Font Type and Size

You can specify which font type and size appear in the Development Environment source window. You can choose any font type and size found within the Windows system.

·To set the font type and size:

1.From the Options menu, choose Font. The Font dialog box appears.

2.Select the font from the Fonts menu. The words “sample text” will change to the font you selected.

3.Select the font size from the Pts. menu. The words “sample text” will change to the font size you selected.

4.Choose OK.

The Default Font option in the Font dialog box shows and sets the selected font and size as the default specification for any source file.

Text within the source window can be only one font and size. Multiple fonts cannot be displayed in the same source window.

You can also set font information from within the Toolbar. However, these settings, if different from the default, are not saved.