Using the Image Editor

The Image Editor is similar to the PaintbrushÔ program that comes with Windows. Use the Image Editor to create Windows graphics elements such as bitmaps, cursors, and icons.

Follow these steps to use the Image Editor:

1.From the Tools menu, choose Image Editor. The Image Editor startup screen appears (see Figure 8.2).

2.From the Image Editor File menu, choose New.

3.Select the type of file to create (bitmap, cursor, or icon).

4.Enter the size and color information. In most cases the default settings should be sufficient.

5.Use the color palette and toolbox to create the image.

6.From the File menu, choose Save.

7.Enter the filename and choose OK.

8.From the File menu, choose Exit to return to the Development Environment.

Once you've created a file, you can open and edit it with the Open command from the File menu.

The Image Editor has many options and tools for creating graphics resources. For more information see the Toolkit and online help.