
Shortcut key: CTRL+F12

The Open command loads an existing source file. The File menu displays the four files most recently opened and then closed. To open one of these files, select its name from the menu.

·To load a file:

1.From the File menu, choose Open. The Open File dialog box appears.

2.Select the drive from the Drives drop-down list box.

3.Select the directory where the source file is stored from the Directories list box.

4.Press ENTER or double-click to see a list of files in the selected directory with the extension specified in the List Files of Type drop-down list box.

5.Type a filename or select a name from the files list.

6.Choose OK to open the file.

The List Files of Type drop-down list box (indicated by the down arrow) displays commonly used file extensions. These include:

C source (*.C)

C header (*.H)

Module definition (*.DEF)

Dialog scripts (*.DLG)

Resource scripts (*.RC)

Project files (*.MAK)

User include (*.INC)

All files (*.*)

Select a file type from the list box to display only those files.

You can use wildcards in the List Files of Type drop-down list box to display only a certain type of file. For example, entering


only displays files with the C extension.

To open a file as read-only, select the Read Only check box.

If another application modifies your file while that file is loaded in the development environment, the environment will notify you and update the file.

Related Commands

File menu: Save, Save As, Merge

See Also

Opening and Closing Source Files, page 10