The Image Editor uses the IMAGEDIT.DAT file to store display-device information for individual icon or cursor images within a file. The IMAGEDIT.DAT file you install initially contains information about common display devices, such as EGA and VGA.

IMAGEDIT.DAT is an ASCII, comma-delimited file that you can edit to add information about display devices. Each string in the file defines a display device. A string is terminated by a carriage return (no null character) and contains six fields as described below:


Name of the display device. The name can contain up to 10 uppercase and lowercase letters.


Number of colors in the icon or cursor image.


Horizontal size of a cursor image in pixels.


Vertical size of a cursor image in pixels.


Horizontal size of an icon image in pixels.


Vertical size of an icon image in pixels.

In addition to information about icon and cursor images, IMAGEDIT.DAT can include comments. Indicate comments by placing a semicolon (;) at the beginning of the comment line.

For example, the following IMAGEDIT.DAT file specifies information for icons and cursors displayed on two devices:

1 ;This is a sample IMAGEDIT.DAT file

2 4-Plane,16,32,32,32,32

3 3-Plane,16,32,32,32,32

1 This line is a comment.
2 This line defines a device with four color planes. The device displays 16-color cursors and icons. Cursors and icons on this device are 32-by-32 pixels.
3 This line defines a device with three color planes, which also displays 16-color cursors and icons. Cursors and icons on this device are also 32-by-32 pixels.

The Image Editor displays information from the IMAGEDIT.DAT file when you load an icon or cursor image into the Image Editor. For information about loading images, see “Opening Files and Images” on page 60.