data symbol:The address of a global or static data object.
declaration:A construct that associates the name and the attributes of a variable, function, or type.
.DEF :The filename extension for a module-definition file.
default behavior:Behavior specified by the program or utility unless overridden by an option.
default data segment:See “DGROUP.”
definition:A construct that initializes and allocates storage for a variable or that specifies the name, formal parameters, body, and return type of a function.
DGROUP:The group that contains the segments called _DATA (initialized data), CONST (constant data), _BSS (uninitialized data), and STACK (the program's stack). Also called a default (or automatic) data segment.
DIALOG :The Microsoft Windows Dialog Editor.
dialog box controls:Controls—button, edit fields, and so on—within a dialog box. See “control.”
dialog script:Text file containing DIALOG and CONTROL resource-script statements that the Resource Compiler interprets.
directive:An instruction to the C preprocessor to perform a specific action on source-program text before compilation.
dithering:A method of simulating a color by creating a unique pattern with two or more available colors.
.DLG:The filename extension for a dialog resource file produced by the Dialog Editor.
DLL (dynamic-link library):An executable module containing functions that Windows applications can call. DLLs exist primarily to provide services to application modules. DLLs are linked with the application at run time instead of at compile time.
dynamic link:A method of postponing the resolution of external references until load time or run time. A dynamic link allows the called routines to be packaged, distributed, and maintained independently of their callers.