Overview of the Prototyping Process

Building a program with QuickCase:W usually involves the same general steps.

·To build a Windows application with QuickCase:W:

1.Use the Image Editor and Dialog Editor to create any resources needed for the application.

2.Design the application's interface in QuickCase:W (linking in any resources created in Step 1).

3.Generate the application's source files in QuickCase:W.

4.In the Graphical Development Environment, add your own event-handling code to the generated .C file.

5.Build and debug the program.

Once you become familiar with this process, you will probably find a couple of specific preparations helpful before you tackle a major project.

First, consider the program's general appearance. Depending on its complexity, sketch drafts of the menu system and any dialog boxes or special icons.

Second, if you expect to include menu commands that you've written before for other programs, you might put the code for those commands in separate text files. QuickCase:W can reference text files, so you won't have to rewrite (or copy and paste) them later.

Taking one or both of these steps can speed up your application's development.